Little League Rulebook Table of Contents

Below is a high-level table of contents to the Little League baseball and softball rules. This table of contents lists each of the numbered rules. Many of the numbered rules also have many lettered sub-paragraphs – this table does not attempt to get to that level of detail. For a more detailed way to find specific rule provisions, see Kevin Hunter’s rule index.

Rule 1.00 This rule covers the physical layout of the field, as well as the equipment, uniforms, etc.
1.01 Definition of the game
1.02 Objective of the game
1.03 Winner of the game
1.04 Dimensions of the field
1.05 Dimensions and position of home plate
1.06 Dimensions and position of the bases
1.07 Pitcher’s plate (a.k.a. “pitcher’s rubber”)
1.08 Benches.
1.09 Specifications for baseballs and softballs
1.10 Specifications for bats
1.11 Uniforms
1.12 The catcher’s mitt
1.13 First-baseman’s mitt
1.14 Fielders’ gloves
1.15 Pitcher’s glove
1.16 Helmets
1.17 Catcher’s equipment
Rule 2.00 This section provides definitions for the terms used in the rulebook
Rule 3.00 This rule primarily covers game preliminaries and substitutions.
3.01 Umpires’ responsibilities before the game
3.02 Prohibits players from damaging the ball
3.03 Substitution rules
3.04 Courtesy runners are prohibited. (See rules 7.14 for Little League’s “Special Pinch Runner” rule)
3.05 Special substitution rules for pitchers
3.06 Managers are required to announce substitutions to the umpire
3.07 Umpire announces substitutions to the public and the other team
3.08 What happens if a substitution happens without being announced
3.09 Players, managers and coaches stay on the field, out of the stands
3.10 Fitness of the field
3.11 Double-headers
3.12 Umpire’s call of “Time” suspends plays
3.13 Local ground rules
3.14 Equipment to be removed from the field
3.15 Only authorized people on the field
3.16 Spectator interferences
3.17 Individuals on the bench
3.18 Spectators stay off the field
Rule 4.00 How the game is started and ended
4.01 The pre-game meeting (a.k.a. “plate meeting”) between the umpires and managers
4.02 Players take their position at the beginning of the game
4.03 Defensive players (except the catcher) start in fair territory
4.04 The batting order
4.05 Base coaches
4.06 Prohibitions against offensive teams disrupting the defense
4.07 Ejections
4.08 When players show violent disapproval of an umpire’s decision…
4.09 How a team scores
4.10 Definition of a regulation game
4.11 Score of a regulation game
4.12 Tie games
4.13 Double-headers
4.14 Playing lights
4.15 Forfeits
4.16 Inability to put nine players on the field at the start of the game
4.17 Inability to put nine players on the field during a game
4.18 More on forfeits
4.19 Protests
Rule 5.00 Putting the ball in play, live and dead balls
5.01 Putting the ball in play at the beginning of the game
5.02 Live ball vs. dead ball
5.03 The pitcher shall pitch…
5.04 Offensive team’s objectives
5.05 Defensive team’s objectives
5.06 When a run is scored
5.07 End of a half-inning
5.08 Throws that accidentally touch base coaches or umpires
5.09 Some of the conditions under which a ball automatically becomes dead
5.10 Ball becomes dead when the umpire calls “Time”
5.11 How a dead ball becomes live again
Rule 6.00 This section contains the rules specifically associated with the batter
6.01 Following the batting order
6.02 Batters taking their position in the box, and what happens if they refuse
6.03 Batter’s legal position in the batter’s box
6.04 Legally completing a turn at bat
6.05 The batter is out when…
6.06 Illegal action by the batter
6.07 Batting out of turn
6.08 Base awards to the batter
6.09 The batter becomes a runner when…
Rule 7.00 This section contains the rules specifically associated with runners
7.01 When does a runner legally acquire a base
7.02 Runners must touch bases in order
7.03 Two runners may not occupy a base
7.04 Base awards to runners
7.05 More base awards to runners
7.06 Obstruction of a runner by a fielder
7.07 Special rule regarding squeeze plays or steals of home
7.08 Any runner is out when…
7.09 Interference by a batter or runner against a fielder
7.10 Appeal plays – (tag-ups, missed bases, etc.)
7.11 Offensive team must clear space needed by the defense
7.12 Status of runners when a preceding runner misses a base
7.13 Runners leaving the base early (the “red flag” rule in baseball, the “8-foot-circle” rule in softball)
7.14 Special pinch runners
7.15 Double first base rules
Rule 8.00 This section contains the rules specifically associated with pitchers
8.01 Legal pitching deliveries
8.02 Things the pitcher is not allowed to do
8.03 Warm-up pitches
8.04 In baseball, 8.04 requires a pitcher to pitch promptly. In softball, it covers “No Pitch” situations.
8.05 Illegal pitches (and, in big-field baseball, balks)
8.06 Visits to the mound
8.07 (Softball only) Dropped pitches
Rule 9.00 This rule covers the responsibilities of the umpire not covered elsewhere.
9.01 Umpires’ general authority
9.02 Judgment calls by the umpire cannot be questioned, how a manager questions a rule interpretation
9.03 The plate umpire and the field umpire(s)
9.04 Responsibilities of the plate umpire and the field umpire(s)
9.05 Umpires reporting of unusual situations, ejections, etc
9.06 Umpires are not to wear shoes with metal cleats or spikes